Queensland Fire and Rescue Details

IMSC003 AIIMS Principles 2017



AIIMS Principles (IMSC003) provides a comprehensive overview of the Australasian Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS). The AIIMS Principles course builds upon AIIMS Awareness to further develop skills and knowledge in: 
  • AIIMS principles and functions
  • Incident action planning 
  • Effective management of incidents
QFES staff and volunteers who have completed AIIMS Awareness, may enrol in the AIIMS Principles course, which requires 16 hours of classroom-based learning.
On completing AIIMS Principles, staff and volunteers will have the foundation knowledge to build their skills in Incident Management and work towards functional role training. AIIMS principles is a pre-requisite to undertake any functional role training course. 

Target Audience:

QFES Personnel (staff and volunteers)

Learning Outcomes:

  • Explain what AIIMS is and provide examples of situations which AIIMS can be used.
  • Describe how AIIMS helps in the effective management of incidents
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the underpinning concepts of the 5 AIIMS principles.
  • Functional roles and tasks

Learning Methods:

This course is delivered to learners over 16 hours (minimum) of trainer led face to face training.

Program Benefits:

  • On completion, QFES personnel will have the foundation knowledge to build their skills in Incident Management and better understand the functioning of an Incident Management Team (IMT).
  • Awards 22459VIC


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