QFES Details

RCRC050 Road crash rescue for Firefighters and Rescue Officers


This course provides the skills and knowledge required to gain access to and extricate casualties from vehicles that have crashed on the road, such as cars, motorcycles, buses, vans, tracks and semi-trailers, whilst minimising the potential for further injury and preserving the integrity of evidence.


Target Audience:

Permanent Firefighters
Auxiliary Firefighters
RFS Firefighters
SES Members

Learning Outcomes:

  • PUASAR024 Undertake road crash rescue
  • PUAWHS002 Maintain safety at an incident scene

Learning Methods:

Auxiliary firefighters, RFS volunteers and SES volunteers will attend 4 x 9 hour days for this course. Approximately 4 hours will be required for completion of the Participant Workbook.

Program Benefits:

  • Organisation requirements for road crash rescues
  • Management of Road Crash Rescue incidents
  • Components of road vehicles including construction, propulsion systems and inbuilt safety systems
  • Rescue techniques, including casualty management, vehicle stabilisation and extrication


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