Rural Fire Service Queensland Details

RFVC110 Bushfire Tactics


The course RFVC110 Bushfire Tactics has been developed to provide QFES members with the knowledge and skills to undertake bushfire response and prescribed burns for agricultural, natural resource purposes or hazard mitigation.


Whether responding to a bushfire or undertaking a prescribed burn for agricultural, natural resource purposes or hazard mitigation, there are similar (and some different) steps in preparing for the control of the fire and clean-up activities. This course covers all of these activities, including those specific to each. 

This course has a large amount of technical knowledge, and every step of the process in dealing with bushfires or prescribed burns requires serious vigilance in respect to an individual’s safety and that of others.  

This course will reinforce some of the safety information you have already covered in previous courses and will build on that learning.

Target Audience:

Rural Fire Service Staff and Volunteers

Learning Outcomes:

  • assist with preparations for a prescribed burn
  • participate in conducting a prescribed burn
  • participate in mop-up and burn security
  • prepare to respond to a bushfire
  • proceed to a bushfire safely
  • obtain and use firefighting equipment and extinguishing media
  • combat bushfire
  • observe and react to bushfire and weather conditions
  • participate in mop-up, patrol activities and support operations
  • recover stores and equipment

Learning Methods:

The course content can be delivered to learners in various forms, including:
  • trainer-led, face-to-face training
  • self-paced eLearner Guide (electronic Learner Guide)
  • skills-based practical activities
  • a combination of the above (blended delivery)

Program Benefits:

  • PUAFIR201 Assist with prescribed burning
  • PUAFIR204 Respond to wildfire


  • Course introduction
  • Safety, wellbeing and communications
  • Bushfire principles and types
  • Bushfire behaviour
  • Planning and preparation
  • Travelling to and arriving at a bushfire
  • Fire control and suppression
  • Prescribed burn activities
  • Mop-up and overhaul activities
  • Clean, maintain and store equipment

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